Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A few little finds.

We went for a short Pyrex hunt today just to get out of the house. We went to a new Savers that was set up just down the road from us. I'm not always a fan of Savers just because they tend to be over priced, but I thought I'd look anyway. 

I found a few good things...

I was in need of a new 1 cup measuring cup. I got an Anchor Hocking measuring cup set a year ago and all of the markings have come off of it. How are you supposed to measure things when there's no measurements?! Now I know why you choose Pyrex over Anchor Hocking! I was excited to spot a nice Pyrex measuring cup today. It was just what I needed!

Another thing about Savers... They put these HUGE price tags in random spots and its a PAIN to get them off. After peeling off as much as I could, I used some hot soapy water and a sponge and they came off pretty easy. 

I saw this little gravy boat first and was debating on getting him just because of the $4 price tag, but he was too cute to pass up. He'll go well with the bowls I have of the Autumn Harvest pattern. 

I looked through a couple other sections before finding this baby! I love the Friendship pattern and I can NEVER find it anywhere. It's also one of the only Pyrex I have with red on it. I wish I could find more red. 
Not too bad for a 10 minute trip to the store! :)


  1. Not bad at all!! Lucky for you to find a Friendship fridgie, they are hard to find!

  2. I'm severely jealous over that Friendship Fridgie!! Go you! We have a newish Goodwill that opened up about 5 miles from my house, but it's been bone dry for the past few months in the Pyrex department. Boo. I'm glad you're finding goodies at yours :)
