The only red Pyrex I have are these two little refrigerator dishes. The shiny one I found today and the beat up one was my first red. It's so sad.... All the reds I've found up until today have looked like the one on the right or worse. Poor reds...
I felt so bad for that little one that I had to get it a while back. Compared to the one I got today it's amazing how shiny and nice it used to be. If only people knew how dishwashers (I'm assuming that's what did it to it.) ruined these poor things. I found a green one..... let me rephrase that.... a white one that USED to be green.
I would have LOVED it if it was still green. :( Poor thing.
I've been finding a lot of mis-used Pyrex lately. Poor things. I guess we can just be happy they were put to use...